Bayesian methods for instrumental variable analysis with genetic instruments ("Mendelian randomization")

Paul McKeigue, Felix Agakov, Dominik Glodzik

The "Mendelian randomization" approach exploits genotype as an "instrumental variable" that perturbs a variable of interest (usually a phenotypic biomarker) to learn about the effects of this intermediate variable on outcome.  We are developing this general approach in two ways.  The first approach develops Bayesian methods for problems in which the standard instrumental variable argument can be used, because we can assume that the genotypes do not directly affect the outcome except through their effects on the biomarkers.  In the context of genetic instruments, this is denoted the "no pleiotropy" assumption.  This assumption restricts applications to studies of a few biomarkers and genes whose effects are relatively well understood.  
The second more general approach relaxes the no pleiotropy assumption, and can be applied to genome-wide datasets with multiple phenotypic biomarkers

Slide presentation based on two-day course given at Erasmus Medical Centre, May 2010

Bayesian methods for instrumental variable analysis of genetic effects with no pleiotropy

We have developed a Bayesian approach to inference for this type of problem, implemented using the JAGS package.  Some advantages of this approach are that it can be applied just as easily with binary outcomes as with continuous variables,  it does not rely on asymptotic approximations which do not work well with weak instruments, and it allows formal hypothesis tests to be constructed based on comparing the (marginal) likelihoods of causal and non-causal explanations, given the data.

Zipped tutorial with example dataset to be run using JAGS
This example is based on the dataset described in McKeigue et al 2010

Sparse Bayesian instrumental variable analysis for inference of causal effects with genome-wide genotype data and multiple phenotypic biomarkers

To exploit genotype-biomarker associations more generally for instrumental variable analysis, we have to relax the assumption of no pleiotropy.  In principle this is possible, if we have multiple genetic instruments.
With more than one instrumental variable, causal explanations of a biomarker-outcome association can be distinguished from explanations based on confounding and pleiotropic genetic effects.    We are developing an approach known as sparse Bayesian instrumental variable analysis as a general framework for inference in datasets with genotypes, phenotypic biomarkers and continuous or binary outcome variables.  This can be applied to genome-wide datasets with many biomarkers and multiple outcome variables.  One application is to inference of causal relationships between biomarkers and outcomes.   Where the biomarkers are gene transcript levels, the method can also be used for fine mapping of genotypic effects on the outcome

  This approach is implemented in the SPIV package for sparse Bayesian instrumental variable analysis.   Tutorials and downloads are in preparation (May 2010).