Tools for converting between data formats

Note: Windows may block your browser from downloading executable files, including the Perl scripts linked from this page. If so, you can download the zipped versions from here.

Convert data from ANCESTRYMAP format to ADMIXMAP format

C++ program Windows (45kb), Linux (30kb) or source (14kb)

Instructions are built in.

PERL Script (right-click on link and choose "Save Link As") (Thanks to Arti Tandon)

Convert data from ADMIXMAP format to ANCESTRYMAP format

C++ program Windows (45kb), Linux (29kb) or source (14kb)

Instructions are built in. Header fields should be delimited by double quotes. Converting the locus file and allele freqs file may require a separate run of the program (skipping conversion of genotypes file).

Convert data from STRUCTURE format to ADMIXMAP format

PERL script (right-click on link and choose "Save Link As") to create an ADMIXMAP genotypes file. (Thanks to Indrani Halder) sample inputfile

Run as : "perl <inputfile> [<genotypesfile>]". The genotypesfile name is optional and defaults to "genotypes.txt".

Note that you will also need to create a locusfile in order to use ADMIXMAP.

Simulating data from an admixed population in ADMIXMAP format

R script
